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It's that time of year!

10 gal
~11.2 SRM
24 IBU
1.058 ➔ 1.014 = 6% ABV

Mash: 152°F For 60 Minutes (70% Mash Eff)

First Step
152°F For 60 Minutes

Bestmalz Vienna Malt (4.3°L)

Add 11.2 lbs to the mash tun

+ 1.029 SG / 50% of grist

Base Malt

Bestmalz Red X (12.6°L)

Add 11.2 lbs to the mash tun

+ 1.029 SG / 50% of grist

Base Malt

Kettle 60 Minute Boil

Brewer's Gold (DE)

Add 0.98 oz of 8.8% AAU pellets into kettle before boiling

+16 IBU

First Wort Hop

Tettnanger (DE)

Boil 3.5 oz of 3.2% AAU pellets for 10 minutes

+7 IBU

Boil Hop

Irish Moss

Boil 1 tsp for 10 minutes

Kettle Additive


Wyeast 2308 Munich Lager

Pitch ~400 billion cells into 52°F wort

Primary Fermentation Lager Yeast