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10 gal
~5.1 SRM
40 IBU
1.050 ➔ 1.016 = 4.6% ABV

Mash: 152°F For 60 Minutes (70% Mash Eff)

First Step
152°F For 60 Minutes

Crisp Finest Maris Otter (3.1°L)

Add 19.3 lbs to the mash tun

+ 1.050 SG / 100% of grist

Base Malt

Kettle 60 Minute Boil

East Kent Golding (UK)

Boil 2.47 oz of 5.1% AAU pellets for 60 minutes

+25 IBU

Boil Hop

East Kent Golding (UK)

Boil 4 oz of 5.1% AAU pellets for 10 minutes

+15 IBU

Boil Hop

East Kent Golding (UK)

Add 4 oz of 5.1% AAU pellets at flameout

Flameout Hop

Wyeast Beer Yeast Nutrient Blend

Boil 0.13 oz by weight for 10 minutes

Kettle Additive

Whirfloc Tablet

Boil 1x for 5 minutes

Kettle Additive


Wyeast 1187 Ringwood Ale

Pitch 2 packs into 68°F wort

Primary Fermentation Ale Yeast